Sunday, October 28, 2018


This week I began remodeling my plant on C4D because Rhino is not a good option to export my model in order to use it for motion effects. I wanted to finish modeling my drawings in 3D but I didn't.

Actually, I've mainly worked (and been stuck) all the week on my Voronoi Surfboard for the Physical Prototyping Process class (and I didn't succeed to get what I wanted).

Although, as the time is passing very fast, this week I organized a timetable that I will have to stick in order to get everything done before the deadline :

WEEK #7 - 11/05
“3D environment” MODELED + Arduino / CO² censor / TouchDesigner CONNECTED
WEEK #8 - 11/12
“3D environment” beta version READY + “3D environment” in TouchDesigner IMPLEMENTED
WEEK #9 - 11/19
“Depth Display” Kinect 3D Camera tracking system IMPROVED (test different version on Unity)
WEEK #10 - 11/26
New motion effects ADDED + CO² mask ASSEMBLED
WEEK #11 - 12/03
System V1 WORKING (find a title) (+ motion tracking in the streets or AR app of 3D model)
WEEK #12 - 12/10
Video / PDF presentation + Blog finishing (+ Website page) DONE
WEEK #13 - 12/17
… (fixing issues)
WEEK #14 - 12/24

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